Are you curious about what your home is worth in this
more balanced housing market?
Free Home Evaluation
Free, no obligation

As homeowners, whether we are buying or selling, we would like to have an idea of what our home is worth. I can help you with that. I can give you a free home evaluation to estimate what your home is worth. I work with something called a CMA, a ‘comparative market analysis’. A Comparative Market Analysis looks at sales that most closely resemble your home. The homes used as a comparison are mostly identical to your home in size, shape and condition.
Together we will schedule a visit to your home for a thorough walk through and we look for these factors; square footage, age of construction, upgrades and condition or the home (has it been remodelled), and location. By evaluating the prices of properties in your area that are similar to yours and have recently sold, will give me an idea how much your property is worth in the current market.
The home evaluation process takes place before your home is listed for sale and is a good assessment of what your house could potentially sell for.
Call me for yours today….remember, it’s free and there is no obligation.